Reigns Game Pigeon

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Reigns is a super slick, simple, and funny kingdom management sim from Nerial and Devolver Digital. On the surface it just looks like a bunch of swiping to the left or right, but countless lives hang in the balance. Gamezebo’s Reigns tips, cheats and strategies will get your monarchy off the ground, and should help you keep your head on your shoulders. In theory.

Reigns Game Pigeon Forge

King Me

Reigns Game Pigeons

  • Swiping left or right is about all the interaction you get, but direction does matter. Swiping to the right is usually the affirmative response while the left is negative – the results of your answers won’t always be immediately apparent, though.
  • Drag the panel in either direction to see what the response will be. By tapping and dragging (but NOT letting go) you can see the exact reply you’re about to give, as well as get a vague idea of how it’ll influence the four principle categories (all shown along the top of the screen).
  • The Church – represented by a cross, and always (but not exclusively) influenced in some way or another when dealing with issues involving religion (obviously), witchcraft, and science.
  • The People – represented by a stick figure, and depicts the overall happiness of your subjects. Things like quality of life issues, wars, and taxes will have an effect here – along with miscellaneous other things.
  • The Army – represented by a sword. This will go up and down depending on various decisions involving war, punishing or recruiting soldiers, and so on.
  • The Treasury – Represented by the almighty dollar. All financial decisions will have an effect on it, as will most other actions that require any form of government involvement – things like deploying troops, studying sciences, building things, etc.
  • The bottom of the screen displays the current king’s name, the current in-game year, how many years the king has been in power so far, and whatever long-lasting effects might still be going on.
  • Lasting effects are displayed as icons in the bottom-right corner of the screen and can do anything form lessening the severity/likelihood of certain major problems (i.e. famine, the plague, etc) to causing various levels to rise and fall automatically over time. You can see what’s currently in effect by tapping on the icons’ display.
  • Only four lasting effects can be active at the same time. If you acquire a new one, an older effect will be removed. Some effects will simply stop functioning over time as well.

Decisions, decisions

Game Pigeon Download

Reigns game pigeon playReigns game pigeon play
  • Almost every single swipe you make will change the levels of satisfaction from the church, the happiness of your subjects, the strength of your army, or your wealth. Again, if you drag but don’t finish a swipe you’ll be able to see a sort of preview of how things will be affected – depicted by small dots that appear next to each category.
  • The size of the dots matters. The bigger the dot, the more significant the change will be. As for whether or not it will go up or down, that’s for you to intuit.
  • It’s usually pretty easy to figure out how things will be affected. If there are dots next to the Treasury and the Church, and the decision involves building more places of worship, holding services, or whatever, there’s a good chance that saying “yes” will make the Church happy and take money from the Treasury. If a choice involves drafting citizens into the army, and the dots are next to your Subjects and Army, saying “no” will reduce the Army’s strength but make your Subjects happier. There’s definitely a logic to it, although that won’t always be apparent right away.

Pigeon Games Free

  • Try to avoid filling up or emptying out any of the categories. If you max out the money in the Treasury, you’ll die choking on food at a fancy celebration. If you push your Subjects too hard and they run out of patience, you’ll be overthrown. Either extreme is bad, so you’ll want to try to delicately balance everything as best you can.
  • Some choices will stick with you for years – even centuries. If, for example, you decide to start a Crusade, it won’t ever stop until you’re given the choice to end it. It’ll just keep going, through as many different monarchies as it takes, until you finally call it quits.
  • Crusades are a serious commitment. They’ll cause your population to fall while your cash reserves fill up – in real time – so you won’t be able to take your time deciding, and you’ll also need to balance your Treasury and Subjects at a frantic pace.
  • Some choices, such as allowing special characters into your court (i.e. the doctor, the witch, etc) will permanently add more “cards” to the “deck,” giving you even more possible choices in the future.
  • Marrying a princess or signing peace treaties will raise the levels of everything a bit. Throwing parties will reduce your riches but improve everything else.

During Akbar’s reign, pigeon-flying received royal patronage, and the ‘game’ is still played in parts of Old Delhi. The rearing of such large flocks throughout history have left our cities infested. 1) When you first arrive in the Dungeon, do not go through any doors marked Arsenic or Mercury. This should be intuitive. Does samsung have game pigeons. When you see arsenic or mercury in real life, do not touch it. They are poisonous. If you go through either of these doors in the game, you'll either get lost in the dungeon forever or fall in a death trap.

Reigns Game Pigeon Game

The Dungeon (yes, there’s a dungeon)

  • You can only enter the dungeon when given the choice. Nothing bad happens if you decide to ignore it, but you’ll have to wait for it tome come up again if you want to take it on.
  • As soon as you commit to exploring the dungeon, your kingdom’s various important things will start to fall off every second. Don’t go delving unless you think you have the reserves to handle it – or unless you simply don’t care about your kingdom falling into chaos while you’re away.
  • The point of the dungeon is exploration. There are a lot of doors that lead to who knows where, but you should be able to find a treasure chest with some goodies if you’re persistent. You’ll also want to scour the place for keys so that you can unlock the exit – if you find it.
  • Combat is mostly a matter of reading your opponent, then striking at them in order to push them out of bounds. You’ll need to attack when they’re open, defend when they’re attacking, and generally try to keep your back as far away from the edge of the screen as possible.