Pigeon Impossible Download


Pigeon Impossible Remember to type everything in complete sentences. (3-5 sentences) I will be counting off for spelling and punctuation. What is the exposition: What is the rising action: What is the climax: What is the falling action: What is the denouement (resolution): Did the resolution fit the story?

Hello viewers. I hope everyone is having a great time. Before I begin I would love for everyone to watch Pigeon Impossible before reading my blog. Just go to YouTube to watch the video. I thought it was hilarious when I saw it. I had to write something about the animated film for class, so I decided to write about the point of view of the bagel.

Imagine a bagel in heaven telling little bagels a story of how he came to heaven.

I started out as any other type of bagel; fresh, hot, and chewy. It was a Monday and the place was busy when a man in a black suit choose me to devour. He was walking along, probably to find a place to eat me at, when he picked off a suit case from another man. My guess was he was a spy. He found a nice bench to sit on when all of a sudden the most annoying creature appeared. A pigeon, greedy and stubborn. The man felt sympathy for the little guy and gave him a piece of me, but did the pigeon want that? Nope! He wanted me as a whole. Just then the pigeon went to attack my devour.

I could not believe what happened next. The devour swapped the pigeon away. The pigeon landed in the suite case which caused hell all over the place. The case was a spy type of case with guns, rockets, and a nuclear bomb. Why do you put weapons of mass destruction in a suite case again? The pigeon had a grand ole time in there causing hell on earth. The devour/spy was hiding behind the bench observing the situation at hand. He then looked around to see what he could use to get that blasted creature out of that case. As he was looking around he spotted me on the ground. He looked so happy to see me, and knew what he was going to do. I was going to be used as bait to get that low life vermin out of the case before he causes anymore trouble. The spy held me up in the air with such pride like lady liberty holding her torch. The pigeon stopped his attack instantly when he caught sight of me. The dodo bird landed the flying destructive case on to the ground and opened the case slowly.

Pigeon Impossible Download

Pigeon Impossible Summary

Pigeon impossible summary

Pigeon Impossible Download Torrent

The rest happened so fast it was hard to remember. I was thrown up in the air, and landed on a big red button. Guess what that button was for? You guessed it, a nuclear bomb came out of the Washington monument heading straight to Russia. If I had hands I would face palm. The agent took action immediately. He closed the case and took off towards the death bomb. It was dark in the case so I didn’t really see what was going on. Finally the case opens, and boy was it bright outside, and I fall straight down to man’s concrete ground. Guess who was following me on my way down? That’s right. Our little feathered, no good, destructive friend. He is quite determined I’ll give him that. We finally made to the ground when a big explosion happened it the sky. I guess Russia was saved before becoming a barren waste land. Good job Mr. Spy Mcdevourer good job.

Our story does not end here though. Ho ho, no it does not. A couple minutes later the man in black comes down with his catastrophic suite case right were all this mess happened in the first place. He looks at dodo bird, who is now pecking at me, and then up at the sky. He then puts on these radical shades and walks away. I decided to take a peek at the sky. Let us just say that the pigeon won’t know what hit him. Literally, the rest of the rocket just came straight down on both of us. I then go to bagel heaven where I am telling this story. I have to say, I’m probably the coolest one here who has a story to tell. Thank you for listening and have a good day.

Pigeon Impossible Book

The end.