Pigeon Eye Outward Game

  • Outward: Pigeoneye I was looking everywhere for information on Pigeoneye in the slums of Levant, but couldn’t find anything, so I decided to risk my silver to see what happens. If you donate 120 silver to Pigeoneye (3 donations) a trader will arrive in the slums that sells rare items.
  • But the outward 'signs' such as the so called 'Eye Sign' offer up the false hope, to the inexperienced fancier, that he can select and grade his pigeons. And when you are desperate, and looking for an easy short cut, many will fall victim to such old tales.

Pigeons are amongst the most intelligent birds. In fact, according to a study conducted by the University of Montana, “ the pigeon is one of the smartest, most physically adept creatures in the animal kingdom.” Pigeon Intelligence: The pigeon can recognize all 26 letters of the English language.; They can be taught relatively complex actions and response sequences, and can learn to make.

Silver for the Slums
Slums in Levant
Quest Type
Minor Quest

Pigeon Eye Outward Game - Image Results

Silver for the Slums is a Minor Quest given by Pigeoneye in Levant.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

This quest simply requires 200 silver, you must donate 40 silver to Pigeoneye 5 times.

  1. Donate silver to Pigeoneye it is for a good cause.
  2. Give a second donation to Pigeoneye it is for a good cause.
  3. Pigeoneye asks for yet more silver. Surely, there is a point to all this.
  4. As a reward for my generosity, a shop with rare goods will be opened in the slums, but Pigeoneye asks for yet more silver...
  5. Pigeoneye requires additional silver. I'm sure this final donation will give me access to something in the slums.

Outcomes[edit | edit source]

The next time you enter Levant (or after sleeping), the following changes will occur:

  • Tamara the Smuggler will open a shop in the Slums
  • A Chest will appear in a corner near Styx the trainer.
  • For members of the Heroic Kingdom, the Slums can be improved further, see here.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Pigeon Eye Outward Game - Image Results
  • You can see the new building markings in this image.

  • The new water basin.

Silver For The Slums

See Also[edit | edit source]

Outward Walkthrough - Game Guides

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Purposeful Humor and Fun in Post Human W.A.RcraftEFG spoke with Studio Chahut about their work on Post Human W.A.R, a turn-based strategy game set in a universe where humans have gone extinct, leading to warring factions vying for control. The R-PATCH, the Anthropists, and the Wraaks all fight for control, with the robot R-PATCH faction consisting of sentient appliances, the Anthropists consist of primates and marsupials who desire to act human, and the Wraak who desire to destroy any remaining traces of human civilization. A player can win a match by killing all opposing forces or by killing the opponent’s hidden champion, in addition to conducting other tasks such as gathering bonus resource boxes and destroying the enemy totem for bonus damage. When I played Post Human W.A.R, its strange humor and unique art style were readily apparent. Studio Chahut wanted the absurdity of their post-human apocalyptic world to shine through, especially in the strategy game genre, which often takes itself very seriously. For the developers, allowing their humor to show in the art and design was important.